Using Power BI with PowerApps
Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft that provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities. PowerApps is a suite of apps, services, connectors, and data platforms that provide a rapid application development environment. This allows you to build custom apps for your business needs.
You can connect Power BI to PowerApps to display and interact with data from your Power BI reports and dashboards within your PowerApps application. To do this, you can add the Power BI connection to your app and use it to list the alerts you’ve set up in the Power BI service.
You can learn more about connecting Power BI to PowerApps from the official Microsoft documentation.
How to integrate Power BI visuals into PowerApps
Step 1. Open the Dashboard in a Day and finish the report!
In login and select Get Data > Files and navigate to where you downloaded and extracted the Dashboard in a Day samples. In this example, I am using a workspace called “Difinity”; as the intent is to share this PowerApps application, you would not be able to access it from “My Workspace”.
Step 2. Pin a visual from the Power BI report to a dashboard.
As the PowerApps Power BI control only supports visuals in dashboards, we need to pin one of the visuals to a dashboard. In this case, I am creating another one called “PATutorial”.
Step 3. Create a Canvas-based PowerApps
Step 4. Insert a Power BI control.
From the insert ribbon, choose controls and scroll to the Power BI Tile
Step 5. Setup Power BI Control
Step 6. Add some buttons to set the filter context.
On the Insert ribbon, select controls and add a couple (~three) buttons. Change their Text to that of the Dashboard manufacturers include VanArsdel, Natura, and Prium.
Step 7. Create and set a variable to use as our filter context
In the OnSelect of each button set a variable to the manufacture name. In this example we hard code the values rather than using the Button1.Text property to make it easier to include single quotes around the manufacturer name.
Set (MyManufacture,”‘VanArdel’”)
Step 8. Set the Tile URL property of the Power BI Control
Select the Power BI control and scroll to the Tile URL property then add the purple section below. If your buttons don’t work, there is likely a chance you have added an extra space in the URL and the filter is ignored.
“HTTPS://APP.POWERBI.COM/EMBED?DASHBOARDID=18AAEA96-CC77-45D6-BC72-19876656C513&TILEID=1FF09934-DB7E-... &$filter=Manufacturer/Name eq ” & My Manufacture
If you are looking at the Power BI documentation note there are differences!
myvar should start with “&” instead of “?” (because there are other URL params ahead of it)
“filter” should be “$filter” (unlike in Power BI directly)
The Tile URL may look like this:” & myvar and your On Select button will look something like the following:
Set (myvar, “&$filter=Store/Territory eq ‘NC’”)
To watch a video of this from end to end please see:
Source- How to integrate Power BI visuals into PowerApps — Power Platform Community (
Why use Power BI with Power Apps
Power BI with PowerApps has several benefits. Which are following:
· One of the main advantages is that it allows you to display and interact with data from your Power BI reports and dashboards within your PowerApps application.
· This can provide users with a more seamless and integrated experience when working with data.
· You can use the Power BI connection in your app to list the alerts that you’ve set up in the v.
· This can help you keep track of important changes in your data and take action when necessary.
Using PowerApps with Power BI is an excellent way to update or add data to the datasets that Power BI visualizes. I hope this article will help you find the best way to connect power BI with your power app and make the best out of your data.
For more information visit Power BI at Soluzione